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Preserve and Protect Living Coral Reef Ecosystems What and Where are the Coral Reefs? featuring educational products for teachers and books. Reef-forming corals, the primary species that secrete the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) matrix of coral reefs, are members of the class Anthozoa. All anthozoans are resource list of books, articles, technical reports, videos, CDs and web sites on coral reef science and management. This resource list also provides the PDF | Coral reefs are iconic, threatened ecosystems that have been in existence for approximately 500 million years, yet their continued ecological. At a glance: services provided by and threats to coral reefs Documents/Books/ Live_Reef_Food_Fish_Trade/62289_summary.pdf. Emerton, L (1997). The private sector economic value of coral reefs across the tourism, commercial fisheries and coastal development sectors is linked to their health. Today,A coral reef is a like an underwater city. Coral reefs are full of many types of plants and animals. Sea turtles, jellyfish, sharks, and dolphins all live in
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